An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Castaway 2: Isle of the Titans

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Rating: 4.7/5 (616 votes)
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MikeCastaway 2: Isle of the TitansYou ever walk into a room, only to forget what it was you came for? Ever do the same thing, only on a deserted island full of cute technicolor monsters and cryptic talking statues? This is what happens to the towheaded hero of Likwid Games'
Castaway 2: Isle of the Titans. The sequel to last year's Castaway, Castaway 2 is an addictive action-RPG with plenty of hacking, slashing, and island-bound amnesia.

After you name your hero, move him about the island with either the [arrow] or [WASD] keys. You can interact with the environment in a number of ways with the [spacebar], including attacking, picking up and using items, and chatting with various stoney shopkeepers and quest givers. When you've learned some cool RPG skills, you can drag them to the quickbar at the bottom of the screen and activate them with the number keys [1-6]. Use your mouse to navigate the various game menus, including those for your inventory, stats and skills; useful for powering up as you gain levels.

Even without the totally optional Premium Content the game offers, there is a lot to do in Castaway 2. In addition to the typical RPG fare of killing monsters, taking their gear, and leveling up, there is also a great deal of exploration, helpful pets to collect, and items to craft. Pets are friendly monsters you hatch from eggs collected throughout the island. Crafting involves collecting raw materials from monsters, shops, and the environment, and combining them to make something new and useful. With so much going on, it is a good thing that the in-game tutorials are so helpful and clear. Collect resources, kill monsters, level up, and figure out why the Titans have brought you to their island.

Castaway 2Analysis: How much you like Castaway 2 will depend a lot on how much you like mindless hack-n-slash RPGs. The story is not particularly deep, and while some enemies require strategic positioning and skill usage to defeat effectively, the overall gameplay is not very complex or tactical. But as an addictive timewaster, Castaway 2 is tough to top. The soundtrack is inviting, the graphics pleasant and colorful, and the monsters fun and cute (almost too cute, as I wondered why the Titans were so keen on me dispatching so much unique, adorable wildlife). The wide number and variety of missions you receive, from killing monsters to finding and creating unique items means you will never want for something to do. Castaway 2 is the sort of game where you tell yourself you are going to stop soon, except you just need to find one more iron ingot, so you can craft the Magical Monster-Bopper of Bopping, and hey, where does that gate lead to? It's not the sort of game you can pick up and drop during a coffee break (unless you're more disciplined than I), but for such simple gameplay, it's engrossing.

Fans of the original Castaway will find much they like from the first game, plus many improvements. The somewhat confusing isometric map has been replaced by a more straightforward square grid, which works a lot better with keyboard controls. The game auto-saves between screens, so you no longer have to worry about backtracking to town every time you want to save your progress before a dangerous battle. And while Castaway 2 still involves a lot of grinding, the steeper power curve moves things along, and the addition of crafting and crafting missions adds variety to the monster killing.

Castaway 2 isn't the deepest RPG around, but it's perfect for casual fans of the genre. The Isle of the Titans has a lot to do and a lot to see, and will keep casual RPG players well occupied. Just don't let it suck you in too much, or you might find that you suffer some light amnesia of your own.

Play Castaway 2: Isle of the Titans

Walkthrough Guide

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Castaway 2 Crafting Guide


Shank = Iron + Hide
Wooden Sword = 3X Wood + Iron Ore
Titan Scimitar = Scimitar + Sapphire Globe
Dartanian Sword = Piercer + Emerald Globe
Scholar = Soccer's Sapphire + Regal Sword
Nail Bat = Iron Ignot + Timber Wood
Vindicator Club = Nail Bat + Iron Globe
Apprentice Wand = Stick + Sapphire Shard
Imp Branche = Apprentice Wand + Gaea Seed
Trusty Dagger = Rusty Dagger + Alkahest
Assassin Dagger = Trusty Dagger + Ruby Shard
Staff of the Magi = Seal of Magi + Wizard's Rod
Widow Claw = Fachata + Ruby Globe
Razor Sword = Wooden Sword + 5X Iron Globe
Paladin's Mace* = Peace Batton + Angel's Tear
Morning Star* = Paladin's Mace + Vindicator
Deadwood Staff* = Imp Staff + Necromancer'Heart
Cursed Kris = Dagger + Gorgon Blood
Regal Sword = Militia Sword + Leather


10X Gold Ninja Stars = Gold Ore + Alkahest
10X Ninja Stars = Iron Ore + Alkahest
6X Emerald Dart = Emerald Shard + Alkahest
6X Sapphire Dart = Sapphire Shard + Alkahest
6X Ruby Dart = Ruby Shard + Alkahest
Shuriken = Iron Ingot + Alkahest

Armors / Shields

Beetle Shield = 3X Animal Hide + 3X Animal Shell
Round Shield = Wooden Shield + Iron Ignot
Warrior's Shield = Knight's Memento + Round Shield
Blast Shield = Iron Globe + Warrior's Shield
Golem Armor** = Leather Armor + Golem Talisman
Minotaur Armor** = Golem Armor + Minotaur Talisman
Paladin Armor** = OldGuardArmor + Knight Talisman Saint Armor** = Paladin Armor + Saint Talisman
Beetle God'sShield* = Blast Shield + BeetleGodIcon
Plate Armor** = Leather Armor + Plate

Crafting Resources

Plate = 3X Shell + 3X Shell
Solid Scale = 3X Plate + Alkahest
Iron Ignot = 3X Ore + 3X Ore
Iron Globe = 3X Iron Ignot + Alkahest
Timber = 3X Wood + 3X Wood
Sturdy Lumber = 3X Timber + Alkahest
Leather = 3X Hide + 3X Hide
Treated Leather = 3X Leather + Alkahest
Alkahest = Antidote + Small Healing Potion
Emerald = 3X Emerald Shard + 3X Emerald Shard
Sapphire = 3X Sapphire Shard + 3X Sapphire Shard
Ruby = 3X Ruby Shard + 3X Ruby Shard
Emerald Globe = 3X Emerald + Alkahest
Sapphire Globe = 3X Sapphire + Alkahest
Ruby Globe = 3X Ruby + Alkahest
Gold Ignot = 3X Gold Ore + 3X Gold Ore
Gold Globe = 3X Gold Ignot + Alkahest
Sturdy Lumber = 3X Lumber + Alkahest


Small Healing Potion = 3X HealingHerb + EmptyBottle
Medium HealingPotion = 6X HealingHerb + EmptyBottle
Large HealingPotion = 12X HealingHerb + EmptyBottle
Small Mana Potion = 3X Mana Herb + Empty Bottle
Medium Mana Potion = 6X Mana Herb + Empty Bottle
Large Mana Potion = 12X Mana Herb + Empty Bottle
Small Berry Potion = 3X TerasBerrie + Empty Bottle
Medium Berry Potion = 6X TerasBerrie + Empty Bottle
Large Berry Potion = 12X TerasBerrie + Empty Bottle
Ambrosia = Large Health Potion + Large Mana Potion
Panacea = 5X Antidote + Medium Health Potion

*Need to be crafted at a Forge!
**Armour refers to any piece of that type


Heres your walkthrough. May 19, 2011 9:48 PM

be a mage
all stats into magic
start with the poison tree, max it.
then the lightning tree
use Miasma to powerlevel
use lightning spell 1 to kill bossess

Use Lightning Spells 1 2 and 3 to kill the end boss

Walk him into a Lightning Trap, blast him with dome and keep spamming down the bolts

Taste Of Awesome May 19, 2011 11:49 PM

Gosh I have so many things to play and one more to add! *bookmarks*


I want to play this game. But the walking / collision is difficult and very fiddly. I approached the pedestal with the stick about 6 times before my character walked up to it. Shouldn't be that fiddly. Also hard to navigate around paths somestimes have to back up and walk again for it to work. I loved the first game and wanted to play this one, but it needs some work.

muppetoid May 20, 2011 4:20 AM

I've decided to go the magic route, but the mana calculation seems a little buggy. I'm level 9 and only have 84 mana. But I could have sworn that I had over 100 at level 7 or 8. I think it happened when I leveled again (it actually went down the moment I gained a level, before I distributed my points). My guess is that it may have something to do with the Wizard Rod I'm carrying and how it's modifier is calculated in. Gonna try just going with the dagger for a while and see if that fixes things. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Heres your walkthrough May 20, 2011 9:59 AM

Muppet, magic weapons come later...
Lets See:

Apprentice Wand = Stick + Sapphire Shard
Imp Branche = Apprentice Wand + Gaea Seed
Deadwood Staff = Imp Staff + Necromancer's Heart

The Deadwood Staff MUST BE FORGED AT Themis

The Wand > Branch > Staff is best, but theres a staff inbetween Branch and Staff

Staff of the Magi = Seal of Magi + Wizard's Rod


Couldn't play it. First the text would only continue after several presses of space bar, then it moved really slowly and then it crashed my browser. Anyone else had this issue?


Terrible battle system with the collisions. With flash and with a large game file, you can't know when a monster is actually within your sword's reach *and* your reaction time. You can sit there and try to time it, and clearly the game wants you to, but there's NO visual indication of when anything's in range, no way to know if you can even land a hit when in range. With a realtime battle, you end up swinging at nothing, then getting killed by low level creatures.

It's too bad, because it's fun to fight lots of monsters at once. Instead, you have to do the same thing:

back them into a corner so they don't keep moving back with every blow, and then pummel them. Boring.

I had more fun with the previous one.

Heres your walkthrough May 21, 2011 2:22 PM

If you went mage rather than warrior
you wouldnt have this problem

Set pet to assist, cast poison at target
sit back and wait for the exp


But that's my point -- it's *boring*. Why should I be forced to play one way? What if I like hitting things? (Which I do... don't judge me.) It is no longer fun if something simple in the game mechanics prevents me from hitting things, rather than my own skill at hitting things.


Is the worst thing you can say about a game is that it "has potential"? I agree with the other reviews here: This game is waaaay too "fiddly". Why is the approach to the locations in the town only three pixels wide? Why can't I tell when I'm close enough to swat at a monster? Why do I have to be facing the stupid monster to hit him when turning makes me run INTO him and causes damage to my character?? Why is it so difficult to tell exactly where you can and can't walk? Why can't I move while I'm fighting? Well OK, I can... but why is it so herky-jerky? Why do all the events and processes take so stinking loooong? Why do I have to be standing directly ON something to pick it up? When I buy a weapon three or four times the strength of my old one why does it seem to take the same amount of time to kill monsters?

I give this game an overall rating of "meh".

Anonymous May 21, 2011 9:59 PM

I actually found spell combat to be more fiddly than melee. You have to line yourself up perfectly to hit the enemy with a spell, but with a sword or staff, you can hit anything near you. That said, it would be nice to have some passive spells that do things like make you heal faster, or have the ability to stun your opponents on a regular swing of the weapon. I have all these skill upgrades but none of the available skills really interest me.

Another criticism: the crafting system is really clunky. There should be a multi-craft option and/or the ability to craft things that are already in your recipe book with one click. As it is, if I want to use up some items by crafting 6 shields, I have to drag each of the ingredients to the craft area 6 separate times.

Anonymous May 21, 2011 10:11 PM

For all its flaws, I was really enjoying this game up until one of the boss monsters

has both the ability to heal and to stun, and the stun ability is way too overpowers. I spent ten minutes barely getting in any hits, and every time I did he healed himself.

As far as I can tell, he's pretty much unbeatable until I level my character up so high I can kill him in a single hit.

Spikeball May 22, 2011 5:30 PM

How do I manually save?
There are multaple save slots, but I only know of auto save, limmiting me to one game per site.

Anonymous May 22, 2011 8:23 PM

FYI, if you want to play as a warrior:

Invest in shield bash. Then it's a case of shield bash, spam all your other attacks until they die. Particularly, I've found bosses incredibly vulnerable to this.

Anonymous May 22, 2011 8:56 PM

Spikeball, you can save at

the inn in Astraea's Bastion.

I found a bug in the game, or possibly a major typo. The description for the Titanization quest says

"Craft a Titan Scimitar from combining a Scimitar with a Sapphire Glove, which is created by dissolving 3 Sapphires in some Alkahest. But when I try to combine 3 sapphire shards with a bottle of Alkahest, nothing happens."

Is this a mistake in the game, or is a sapphire different from a sapphire shard?

Spikeball May 22, 2011 10:09 PM

Thanks! I didn't look there.
a sapphire is probably different from a sapphire shard, try

combine 3 sapphire shards with 3 sapphire shards.


Quite a disappointment from so promising a start with the first Castaway. So many things are indeed improved, and the added crafting is nice. However, for a hack-n-slash grinder, the combat got tremendously worse. I agree with those who dislike the targeting difficulties combined with the auto-hit monster collisions. The first game used mouse targeting and item pickup - why change the one thing that worked and made the grind tolerable? Now it's just hard work to get an attack in without being damaged by collisions.

Too bad. Yes, it "has potential", which to me means that if there is some kind of update to make combat more sensible, I'm willing to give it another shot. As is, it's not even worth playing for free, let alone shelling out cash for "premium content". Even with its flaws, the first one is more playable.


help me i cant find timber


Castaway 2 Crafting Guide


Shank = Iron + Hide
Wooden Sword = 3X Wood + Iron Ore
Titan Scimitar = Scimitar + Sapphire Globe
Dartanian Sword = Piercer + Emerald Globe
Scholar = Soccer's Sapphire + Regal Sword
Nail Bat = Iron Ignot + Timber Wood
Vindicator Club = Nail Bat + Iron Globe
Apprentice Wand = Stick + Sapphire Shard
Imp Branche = Apprentice Wand + Gaea Seed
Trusty Dagger = Rusty Dagger + Alkahest
Assassin Dagger = Trusty Dagger + Ruby Shard
Staff of the Magi = Seal of Magi + Wizard's Rod
Widow Claw = Fachata + Ruby Globe
Razor Sword = Wooden Sword + 5X Iron Globe
Paladin's Mace* = Peace Batton + Angel's Tear
Morning Star* = Paladin's Mace + Vindicator
Deadwood Staff* = Imp Staff + Necromancer'Heart
Cursed Kris = Dagger + Gorgon Blood
Regal Sword = Militia Sword + Leather


10X Gold Ninja Stars = Gold Ore + Alkahest
10X Ninja Stars = Iron Ore + Alkahest
6X Emerald Dart = Emerald Shard + Alkahest
6X Sapphire Dart = Sapphire Shard + Alkahest
6X Ruby Dart = Ruby Shard + Alkahest
Shuriken = Iron Ingot + Alkahest

Armors / Shields

Beetle Shield = 3X Animal Hide + 3X Animal Shell
Round Shield = Wooden Shield + Iron Ignot
Warrior's Shield = Knight's Memento + Round Shield
Blast Shield = Iron Globe + Warrior's Shield
Golem Armor** = Leather Armor + Golem Talisman
Minotaur Armor** = Golem Armor + Minotaur Talisman
Paladin Armor** = OldGuardArmor + Knight Talisman Saint Armor** = Paladin Armor + Saint Talisman
Beetle God'sShield* = Blast Shield + BeetleGodIcon
Plate Armor** = Leather Armor + Plate

Crafting Resources

Plate = 3X Shell + 3X Shell
Solid Scale = 3X Plate + Alkahest
Iron Ignot = 3X Ore + 3X Ore
Iron Globe = 3X Iron Ignot + Alkahest
Timber = 3X Wood + 3X Wood
Sturdy Lumber = 3X Timber + Alkahest
Leather = 3X Hide + 3X Hide
Treated Leather = 3X Leather + Alkahest
Alkahest = Antidote + Small Healing Potion
Emerald = 3X Emerald Shard + 3X Emerald Shard
Sapphire = 3X Sapphire Shard + 3X Sapphire Shard
Ruby = 3X Ruby Shard + 3X Ruby Shard
Emerald Globe = 3X Emerald + Alkahest
Sapphire Globe = 3X Sapphire + Alkahest
Ruby Globe = 3X Ruby + Alkahest
Gold Ignot = 3X Gold Ore + 3X Gold Ore
Gold Globe = 3X Gold Ignot + Alkahest
Sturdy Lumber = 3X Lumber + Alkahest


Small Healing Potion = 3X HealingHerb + EmptyBottle
Medium HealingPotion = 6X HealingHerb + EmptyBottle
Large HealingPotion = 12X HealingHerb + EmptyBottle
Small Mana Potion = 3X Mana Herb + Empty Bottle
Medium Mana Potion = 6X Mana Herb + Empty Bottle
Large Mana Potion = 12X Mana Herb + Empty Bottle
Small Berry Potion = 3X TerasBerrie + Empty Bottle
Medium Berry Potion = 6X TerasBerrie + Empty Bottle
Large Berry Potion = 12X TerasBerrie + Empty Bottle
Ambrosia = Large Health Potion + Large Mana Potion
Panacea = 5X Antidote + Medium Health Potion

*Need to be crafted at a Forge!
**Armour refers to any piece of that type

muppetoid May 26, 2011 2:19 AM

Can anyone tell the exact effect of the panacea potion? The description in the game is a little vague. Does it wear off or not?


Mandolin May 26, 2011 11:53 PM

Oh, for the love of... I'm at the final boss, and I'm honestly not sure if this is a glitch or the game being evil.

So I got him down to maybe 10% of his HP, and all of a sudden clouds filled the game screen and it went white and blank. The little map is still active, my pet and my health bar are still visible, but now I'm effectively blind. What the heck? I know it's a boss fight but how am I supposed to do anything if I can't see squat? Is this a bug?

apophys May 27, 2011 11:55 AM

@muppetoid - it seems to give the same as the boost spell. And yes it wears off, after 30 seconds.

Unrelated, I seem to be unable to get a skull pixie egg.

guymcme1337 May 28, 2011 10:49 AM

@Apophys You can't get one from in-game, you need to pay two dollar for it.

guymcme1337 May 30, 2011 12:49 PM

Can someone say where i can get round shield?

Bladeliger87 June 1, 2011 3:06 AM

@guymc You get a round sheild from crafting a wooden sheild with a Iron ingot

The Logical Ghost June 1, 2011 9:18 PM

Where does one obtain the wooden shield and rusty dagger?

The Logical Ghost June 1, 2011 9:36 PM

Also does anyone else find it silly that wood is obtained at random from animals, and that it's fairly rare? Especially considering the "RPG logic" of most of the items: shells from beetles, hides from squishier fare.

Anonymous June 2, 2011 5:38 PM

I'm really stuck on Vulcan, the last boss, level 21 caster in game and nothing I do even moves his health meter. Help please? Also I maxed out the poison and lightning trees.


Can someone help me?? Im trying to get to the nimph forge but cant. to give you an idea of how far i am, the main quest im on is killing mother Sobo. i think this is far enough considering getting to the nimph forge is a fairly early quest...


hey i think im stuck if someone could help me that would be appreciated..i think it may be a glitch but im not sure...
my current situation:
i think im a little more than half way thru the game, the last boss i faced was mr. tank..and i made my way thru the icy-glacier place (which btw was a bitch cuz of all the ice and stunning bastards). I did the quest for defeating the baby glacier anacondas then after completing it by getting my reward it said another quest had been unlocked which i figured would be to defeat the grown up glacier i returned to the sigil where i thot i got the quest for the babies and it was glowing (like usual) but when i opened it it said that the sigil has other quests for me but i must first complete other quests...which had never happened i continued to defeat the rest of the other monster quests, came back, and the same message after i got the i then went to the other forging quests that i could...but afterwards it still will not give me another quest...i only have 4 quests left and some are for the secret forgeries and by checking the spoils at the top of this page i dont have the proper materials to even forge the things...the others are creating non secret forges but i dont have the proper items like gold, the other one requires ruby globes, which i can obtain after a lot of lucky encounters haha but im sure theres some future quest that gives me at least 2 like one gave me 2 saphire globes or some boss to drop some....anyways, thats where i am, if anyone reading this can help or has any ideas i could try or has encountered this before and knows exactly what to do or doesnt know what to do...anything would be helpful haha

Anonymous June 3, 2011 10:17 AM

@Blane I had the same problem before. You need to talk to one of the Sigil (I'm not sure which one of them, maybe the one next to Hyperion's Gate) before you can get to that forge.


Thank you JIGuest. it was acctually the one west of the grasslands but you helped :)

Anonymous June 6, 2011 8:21 AM

Hi there, how do you get the Magi Seal or something like that to craft the Wizard's Rod?

NidoZero June 8, 2011 8:42 PM

Hey how do you get a sapphire shard?

Eddiemmot June 13, 2011 6:03 AM

I am a little bit into the game and have found the paladin talisman, how are they best used?
Which gives the best benefit? I have also have a Golem Talisman.
Would I be best crafting a golem armour and paladin chest or another combination?



how do i get knight's momento? i have old knight's momento but it won't accept the craft combination. also, where do i get more golem talismans? i have two, but i want a whole set of golem armor.


@ jiguest, you need these things,
18x shards
1x alkahest
3 shards + 3 shards = gem
3 gems + alkahest = globe
globe + particular weapon = weapon upgrade


I dispose of the wood stick. and know i can't do the quests. how can i get a new stick?



You can buy the stick back at the weapon shop.

I'm stuck in the same situation as Zach. I went around every sigil to check for quests, did a loomi one I somehow missed the first time around, and I have only one quest left - a forging one that requires a ruby globe. Only one sigil left I can reach, and it's not giving me any quests until I complete some.

Anonymous June 25, 2011 3:32 PM

Im a little stuck where is an easy place to get mana herbs and im already lvl 17 plz help


Go back to early levers to get mana herbs I just wish the map was a little more stright forwars no real patchs and I have a pretty good computre and the game seems a little glitchy/laggy when I'm just walking


Aha! I found the sigil I was missing (in the area north of the Hyperion Gate, it was the exit at the right-hand side of the top of the area)


@ Apophys and guymcme1337

Its false; you CAN get a pixie (skull) egg without having to pay for premium content. I didnt pay and I have one level 23 pixie from the fire zone. I wasnt grinding for it, it dropped totally randomly. My guess is they are just rare since there are far less pixie creatures than any other type.

P.S. I dont know if this one heal a bit, didnt even try it. I keep several pets I dont use... at least one of each kind XD

Anonymous July 6, 2011 11:23 PM

You can only continue on to the boss after Mr.Tank by making Widow Claw By combining the Falcata and a Ruby Globe

Angelic Kitsune July 13, 2011 4:38 AM

Urm.., i'm stuck.. ok, this may sound like stupid, but i'm stuck after i took the wooden stick.. because after that, i don't know where to go!!! i just keep wanderin' until i reach the patches of grass then i can't get through!! i try hitting them with my wooden stick but.., nothing!! help me please!!!!!!!! i'm begging y'all!!! :'(


Where can I find iron easily for the Razor Sword? Finding 90 iron ore for 5 iron globes will take a long time wandering around unless there's a place with lots of iron.

docamini July 21, 2011 8:49 AM

i've got the same probleme as Zach




You can only deal damage to Vulcan when you attack him from behind. Vulcan isn't to hard, just a bit tedious.


Wow,The Razor Is So Big You Can find Iron Ore At Anywhere


you can find iron ore at any place i got the razor sword easily

Boyearl July 29, 2011 6:48 PM

You can find many iron ores at Desert Of Tears


Hi Everyone! I'm trying to play the game but I'm stuck. I need to kill Puff No More but I can't get there without the blood of Ipeatus. To get that blood which I get by killing Puff No more. Weird.
There is another way through hyperions gate (don't have the blood) or through the west gate (don't have the key) but then I need to get through the east gate (don't have the key). So each path I could take is not possible because I can't get past the gates. What do I do?


um i just beat sister pedra or whatever and i have no idea what to do... i cant go to the forge of nymphas because theres a big gate in the way that i cant open... i dont understand what to do... i cant complete any quests because they require the forge and rubys and stuff which i cant get because the areas arent available to me yet... help?


I have got the Blood of Iapetus, where is the nearest place to get to the gate that the blood belongs to?


how do I get my pets out of the stable?


Ive been wondering where the angels tear is found since im trying to create what its needed to create: the paladins mace
then ill combine it with the vindicator, so all i need is the location of the angels tear and I will be set.


Desperate for rubies. I'm around the Mother Sobo quest level... I can't find them anywhere!


Bizarre bug. I beat the game, and wanted to wander around with my lovely

firestarter (more of a venomstarter, but whatever)

and the east exit from the second-to-last sigil area disappeared, the one between

the Forge of Themis and the Gate of Cronus.

I hopped us to the sigil area before that... we entered successfully, then turned around to leave, and once again the exit was gone.

Did a lot of backtracking before the final objective, and this is a first.


By the way, the stable stumped me for AGES. Click on the animal you want, and you can release or make them active. Problematic for zookeepers like myself. Their exact species is also not listed, ie all the eye varieties are called eyes. Name them wisely...

Some of the tiny icon buttons really need a mouse-over title. Or maybe I missed a help menu somewhere. Some of the functionality of pet control and magic are hidden, when you need them fast. Speaking of hidden, flyers swooping in from the hidden top-left are annoying. Much of what I complained about earlier can be beaten with placement strategy, given the map and the enemy movement patterns. This is, however, impossible if the game slows down with tons of enemies, which is exactly when you need your agility...

Also, an item locker (I like my old swords, okay) and some kind of magic to sweep up dropped items would be awesome.


I'm almost finished! I only need to defeat Vulcan! I deafeated a few enemies at level 34, which I am right now, but Vulcan is level 50! I need to level up so I can finish the game!


Chucky, depending on your pet and spells, you can probably pull it off at that level. I'm at level 29 and managed to put him down. Try

bracketing him between you and your pet. if he's constantly turned around, he'll have his back to one of you. also, poison might be effective but i'm not too sure. above all, have healing handy.


does any one know where to find the knights memento


See the map, zack.

Go west from the town (Bastion) to the next sigil. Then past the boss, Sister Pedro. Pop up north of that, to the diagonal rivers. On the northeast, there's a little stairway. Go up there and pick up the Old Knight's Memento.


ok, ive just killed angry petunia. what do i use oceanus blood on? (and not the gate, because thats open) and where can i find thunder vipers? i'm supposed to kill a bunch.


The Gate of Oceanus is in the screen before you approach the village (Astraea's Bastion). I think the Thunder Vipers

are along the beach, but I could be wrong.


im stuck with the gate key


I just opened my browser and went to castaway 2 and my save file is not there. My other cookies apear to be intact, (passwords from other sites are saved). Anyone know what happened? Any way to get my progress back?

fishy200000 November 1, 2011 8:43 PM

Hmmm i must have been better at this game then i thought... i killed Vulcan at 19. One tip, if you're using the strategy of having Vulcan in between you and your pet,

bring plenty of at least medium berry potions, about 15 should be enough, i used every single berry potion I had but only used 3 health potions (you should still bring plenty of health potions)

[Spoiler tags fixed. Please preview before posting. Thank you! :) -Mod]


what do you use a plate for and what do you use to to fight Mr.tank


how do you kill mother sobo


Moonwalk trick :
face a direction (left/right) first then click opposite direction + up/down key


how do you get to forge of tethys?


How can I get premium items??

Reply April 21, 2012 3:40 PM

I play on a mac, using fireox, and I can't craft!
instead, when i drag the item, it just stay's in it's square. can anyone help me?

[What version of Mac OS X? What version of Flash Player? What version of Firefox? -Jay]

Inceptor June 8, 2012 8:36 PM

Hi, i need to know where the angel's tear is i can't find it and i want to finish the quest before i move on. please help.

fireball call June 17, 2012 12:41 PM

why make a gold globe if gold is so rare and can only be used as ore?


actualy you should

learn thrust first thing. then learn heal. after that find 24 blue beetle shells to make 4 plates. buy all the leather armor and combine it with the plates to get plate armor without wasting your money


I can not find where to get the central, west, and east gate keys. Please help, because without those, I can't go any farther.


I lost my Gaea Seed for the crafting of:
Imp Branche = Apprentice Wand + Gaea Seed.....Please Help!!!!!


Hello, I think I need a brief spoiler on the game.
I have defeated Mr Tank (by stupidly and persistently punching it through its mask, dealing a staggering ONE damage) and am now wandering around.
I nearly have 5 iron globes, and am considering if I should make the Razor Sword, but I am not sure if I want to do that - since if it is in a crafting quest, then I wish to refrain from crafting the sword AGAIN - and go through the iron grind again.
So - can anyone who has either finished the game or late-game, tell me if crafting the Razor Sword is a quest?

Shoeless Jane October 19, 2015 9:07 PM replied to CluelessGamer

CluelessGamer, you've probably already moved on or found the answer yourself, but

Yes, the Razor sword is a quest, BUT you still get credit for completing the quest if you do it before the quest is assigned.


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