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Lucky Tower

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Rating: 4.7/5 (1400 votes)
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corygalliherLucky TowerWhich came out of the opened door... the lady, or the tiger? Both can be dangerous, but neither are as frightening as the dangers you'll find behind the doors of Exotworking's platform adventure Lucky Tower. As a slightly dimwitted hero, you'll proceed down from the top floor of the eponymous tower in an attempt to escape...but chances are you'll meet your death a fair number of times along the way.

Move our hero with the [arrow] keys, jump with [A], and use your weapon or hit switches with [S]. If you're stuck, press [K] to instantly die a horrible death. You'll be spending the majority of your time going through doors which lead either to the next floor of the tower or a horrible demise, though there are some brawling and platforming segments as well. You can also customize your character with new weapons and hats as you proceed down the tower, though this doesn't accomplish anything in terms of gameplay.

The doors usually have hints leading you to the correct choice. For instance, it's usually a bad idea to go through the one with a blood pool oozing out from under the frame. However, half the fun of this fairly short game is making mistakes on purpose so you can see what misfortune befalls the hero. Monsters of all variety abound, as do spiked ceilings, crushing floors and other traps.

As mentioned, Lucky Tower is a fairly short game. It's unlikely that any but the least coordinated players will wring more than a half hour of playtime out of it. Still, it's worth a look for its appealing cartoon style and hilarious voice acting.

Play Lucky Tower

Walkthrough Guide

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Complete walkthrough:

There's lots of ways to die, and a lot of the fun is in watching it happen, so I'm going to detail all of them. As the game starts, you teleport into an empty room with a hole in the floor. Drop through the hole to get started.

Here's your first set of three doors. In most of these situations, two will kill you and one will let you go on. Often there's a small clue as to which is the good door.

The right door has some picked-clean bones in front of it, which indicates it's a bad place. If you go here, the lights go out, and you're viciously attacked by monsters in the dark.

The middle door has blood leaking out below it and claw marks on it, so probably not a good place. You won't die instantly in this room, but if you step on the block right below the torch, the ceiling will crash down on you.

The right door has a smiley face. Sounds like the way to go!

The next room is just a corridor. Go to the door at the bottom.

Another three doors. Some more obvious than others.

The door on the far right has a monster peeking out of it. If you go in here, you'll be devoured offscreen.

The door on the left is unmarked. If you go in here and try to jump the gap, the floor will move away, revealing a spike pit too long to jump.

The middle door has a heart on it. Lovely!

Next you'll have another intermediate corridor, followed by three more doors.

The righthand door is unremarkable, and inside are some stairs. If you go down the stairs, the Hero remarks that this is a piece of cake. If you keep going down the stairs, you'll fall off the edge into a pit trap, earning the Piece of Cake achievement.

The lefthand door's outline is singed, which warns you of what lies behind it: barrels of explosives on an incredibly quick-burning fuse.

The middle door is the way to go!

After another empty corridor, another three doors. Here, all three doors look unremarkable; however...

The first door is another insta-kill: Cerberus lives here and since you're standing right by his food bowl, well...

The middle and right doors are connected, but there's a wall between them. In the middle is a switch, which will move a piece of floor from the middle room to the right room. This can be bad because there's a spike pit below the floor in both rooms. There's a gap too wide to jump in the right room, and a similar gap opens under your feet if you hit the switch in the middle room.

What you need to do is hit the switch in the middle room and immediately run left and jump when you're at the edge. This should get you back to the bit of solid ground. Then, you can go through the door and back to the right room, which now has a solid floor.

In the next corridor, you'll meet a creepy thing in blue robes. This creature will offer you different weapons and hats, and you'll meet it again later with a larger selection. The choice is mostly cosmetic: The weapons don't cause different amounts of damage from your sword, nor to the hats do anything to protect you. However, some do have a small effect later. This first time, he will offer you

An axe, a war hammer, and a wooden club for weapons; and a metal hat, a Robin Hood-style green hat, and a green hood for hats.

If you want to pimp yourself out, go ahead. If you're not sure, don't worry; you can always change your mind the next time you meet the creature. Now, on to the next set of three doors.

It's barely perceptible, but the right door is a bit smudged here and there. This door leads directly outside, but you're still pretty high up, so you fall to your death.

The middle door has a smiley face on it. This isn't necessarily good because the remaining door, rather than having some other sign of badness is unmarked. In here is a crying princess. If you walk forward a little, The Hero will remark that she could use some cheering up; you can still turn back at that point. If you go forward again, she'll be revealed to be a monster and eat you, earning you the Cheer Up Princess Pretty achievement, although since she keeps crying I don't think she's all that cheered up.

The left door is unmarked and leads to another blank corridor.

Before The Hero walks into the next three-door corridor, a scrawny guy checks the right door, decides not to use it, then enters the left door. Yes, this is a clue, but not the one you might think.

If you go in the left door, where the guy went, you'll find that he hung himself in here. There's nothing else there. This is an oblique clue: it's harder to hang yourself in a sweeping corridor, which means you should go into the right door, which he rejected.

The middle door is a closet with spikes on the door. If you enter, it will close on you, leaving you a blood smear leaking out the door.

Go in the right door to move on.

In the next corridor, you'll meet the equipment creature again. He's added to his inventory:

Weapons: a rapier and a mace

Hats: a pink princess cone hat and a fez

In the next room, instead of three doors, there's a timed trapdoor with three holes.

If you stand on the first hole, you'll fall into a spike pit.

If you manage to hustle over to the third hole before the trapdoors open, you'll land in the stewpot of a couple of giggling blue creatures.

The middle hole will drop you among some enemies, but you should be fine so long as you rush them with your weapon swinging. There's also another two below you, but they won't climb the stairs until you stand at the top of the stairs for them to see, so you can stand around as long as you want before you head down to kill them and move on. This might also be a good time to point out that you can hold down 's' to hit more quickly than by hitting it repeatedly, like the old fashioned NES turbo button.


Next you'll run into an old guy who's been stuck here a while. He'll ask to join you. When you get to the three-door corridor, The Hero tells him to go first, and you hit a number to send him through a door. You can send him through one door and then go through a different one, if you so choose.

If you send the old man into the left door, you won't hear anything from him afterwards. If you go through yourself, a dragon (or other giant scaly creature) will reach in through the (admittedly very pretty) window and grab The Hero.

If you send the old man into the middle dore, you won't hear anything from him afterwards. If you enter after sending him in, you'll see him splattered on the floor (though if you didn't send him into this room, there's no sign of anything wrong in this room except for a tiny bit of red on the ceiling). If you walk to the right in this room, the floor will shoot up, smashing you against the ceiling.

The old man will shout that he made the right choice if he goes through the right door. In here you will find the equipment creature again. If you sent the old man in ahead of you, his remains are splattered behind the creature. He has new stuff in stock.

Weapons: a katana, a pair of tongs with a hot coal

Hats: a beard. Wearing the beard unlocks the Old and Wise achievement.

This is another three-door corridor that requires a bit of interaction between the doors.

The left room has a switch. If you pull the switch, a weight falls on you.

The middle room has a floor switch that opens a secret panel in the right room. It activates when you step on it, but deactivates when you walk off.

The right room at first appears to have nothing in it but a weight on the floor. You can pick up the weight by pressing 's,' then carry it back to the middle room, where you can drop it on the floor switch, thus holding the secret panel open. Return to the right room to go through the secret panel.

The next room is another timed trapdoor.

The left trapdoor drops you into a wizard's laboratory. The wizard turns you into a broom as soon as you land.

The middle trapdoor drops you into a room with a big club-wielding monster. If you approach it, it will grab you and bite your head off.

What you need to do is hurry to reach the right trapdoor (just to be sure, I like to jump when I'm about at the middle of the middle trapdoor). You'll fall into a room with one enemy on the left and three on the right. Just rush at the left enemy, sword swinging, and then you can deal with the three on the right without someone stabbing at your backside.

Leave to the right to enter another blank corridor with the equipment creature. He has a few new items:

Weapons: a morningstar and a sledge hammer

hats: a jester's cap and an animal skull (some kind of predator)

The next corridor has some more interactivity again.

The left door has two enemies. Beyond them is a hall that is too small for The Hero to fit through.

In the righthand room, the walls will slide together to crush you. Been a while since we had a simple trap like that, hasn't it?

In the middle room is a wizard. He will turn you randomly into either a frog (unlocking the Frog achievement) or a snail (unlocking the Snail achievement. It's possible to get past the next part as a snail, but it's much harder, and a bit slower as well, so if he turns you into a snail, you might want to use 'k' to kill yourself and try again. As a snail or frog, you can exit this door because it is ajar, and get back into the left room through the mouse hole in the corridor, but don't forget to go in there as a human first because as a small creature you can't kill them and they can kill you!

This next part is a bit different from the rest of the castle. As a frog or snail, you can fit through the narrow hallway and either jump or crawl up the kink in the hall, which will lead you to a room with three grates rather than doors.

The left grate leads to a rat, who will claw you to death.

The right grate drops you in a latrine, which is almost immediately sat upon by a rather large red monster, which is not just a bad end, but possibly the worst one in the game!

The middle grate drops you onto a log floating through a river of green slime. It's the inevitable sewer level! The log will float down a river of slime, and fish will jump out at random intervals, trying to eat you.

The pattern of their jumping may as well be random, but there are essentially eight ways they will jump:

  1. a very short jump, which will miss the log entirely

  2. a short jump, which will just catch the log

  3. a medium jump, which will take the fish past the middle of the log

  4. a long jump, which will take the fish past the opposite end of the log

And each of these jumps from both the front and the back.

The easiest way to avoid the fish is to sit in the middle of the log, just dodging a little to the sides when they make a medium jump. If you try to sit at the edges, you might fall off the log while dodging. This is also much easier with the frog, as the snail moves too slowly to doge without a lot of luck, although it is possible to make it through this stage with the snail.

Eventually, you'll reach the end of the river of slime and jump off the log just before it sinks into the muck. In front of you will be a doorway marked with a fancy W.

The W door will lead you to a wizard's laboratory. (And my, what a nice picture of Princess Pretty he has!) Hop (if you're a frog) or crawl (if you're a snail) up the table and bookcase, and you'll fall into a flask of blue stuff, which will turn you back into a human. The wizard has his back to The Hero, and is too absorbed in his work to notice him, so you have to kill him to move on. (If you insta-kill yourself here, the wizard will be dead when you respawn, even if you didn't kill him!) Beyond the wizard are three open doorways, each labeled with the name of one of his pets.

Snowy is a big white bat mutant creature that will eat you.

Puffles is a big red bat mutant creature that will eat you.

Vizzerdrix is a cute little fox-like dog that will follow you around and earn you the achievement Cutiepie!

Once again, you meet the equipment creature. He comments that Vizzerdrix looks tasty and shows is carrying a couple more items.

Weapon: a petrified rat

Hat: a pair of glasses

This is your last chance to change equipment. And now back to the familiar three-door formula! All three of these doors technically lead to the same area, a set of balconies.

The righthand door leads to a balcony that will collapse as soon as you set foot on it. There's a key sitting on the railing at the far left. Only the very left bit is stable, and you will fall before you can walk at all.

The middle door leads to a balcony. You can jump right from here to grab the key from the righthand balcony, but be careful not to go too far or you'll fall just as surely as if you'd gone through the righthand door.

The left door leads to a wide balcony with another door off to the left. This door is locked, however, so you need to get the key from the far right. Vizzerdrix will follow you as you leap the gaps.

You're entering the endgame! The equipment creature is in this corridor, but he doesn't offer you anything. Instead,

he sheds his robes to reveal that he is a small winged demon, then kills and eats Vizzerdrix.

For the next few screens, the creature will be following you. You can't kill him, and he will kill you. On this screen, however, he remains safe. On the next screen is another set of three doors. The rightmost is just closing as you enter the corridor.

The lefthand door leads to a looping corridor. Whichever direction you go in, the creature will follow you in that direction, so he'll be waiting to kill you when you turn back. Or you can go through the door when you pass it again to reenter the initial corridor.

The righthand door leads to a purple monster's living room. The Hero doesn't notice the monster standing behind him, so the monster easily crushes him with a giant wooden mallet.

The middle door leads to a blank corridor. Hurry through here: the creature is still following you, and, while he's slow, he's also flying, which means he can go straight down instead of going back and forth to use the stairs.

Now you're in the library. Just for a change of pace, there's a giant pendulum swinging above your head, and the creature is coming at you from the other side of the room instead of behind you. If you cross the room, be careful to duck when the pendulum is at its nadir, lest it cut off your head.

The left door leads to one of the sillier traps of the game. If you head right, The Hero will grab a book from the bookshelf, which then falls on him.

The middle door leads to a mole librarian who will just recite the locations of subjects within the library until the creature comes up to stab The Hero.

The right door is a little tricky to get to without being killed by either the pendulum or the creature, but not too bad. Within, three mole librarians are building a house of cards, which The Hero accidentally knocks over. You must fight your way through them as they hurl literary deprecations and books, but they're really not any harder than the earlier enemies. It's more important to get past them before the creature catches up than to kill them, so don't worry if you accidentally push past one.

Yeah, another three-door corridor.

The left door leads to a hallway with barrels rolling towards you. They kill you if they hit you, but you can jump over them. For all the good that does you: When you get to the far right, a barrel too big to jump crushes you.

The middle door leads to a trap, but in this case that's a good thing. To the right, just outside the torchlight, is a floor switch that will drop a spiky ceiling on your head. However, it doesn't quite reach the floor, so if you duck quickly after stepping on the switch, you'll be fine, and the trap will deactivate after a few seconds, so you're not stuck underneath the spikes. Furthermore, if you wait to step on the switch until the creature is almost next to you, the spikes will impale it, ridding you of it forever, and avenging poor Vizzerdrix. Be careful not to step on the trap until the creature is in range, since you can't reactivate it again once it's been tripped.

The right door leads to another blank corridor. If you're still being followed by the creature, it will camp the exits (and suddenly it can move quickly between them!), so you're stuck in this room until you die, although at least it's not doing that annoying inexorable following thing here. Still, best kill it in the middle room first so that you can advance.

And you've reached the exit! Step in front of the doors and hit up once to open them, and again to exit, earning the Escape achievement. However, you're not quite done with the tower, nor the game!

Instead of going outside, head all the way to the left. Hit 's' in front of the torch to reveal a hidden room. Going inside the room unlocks the Manly Treasure achievement, and walking over the treasures will equip you with a golden breastplate, a crown, and a scepter.

Outside, head left. You will pass a gravestone indicating how many times you've died, then you'll find a tavern, where The Hero asks where he can find the bathroom. This is a hint, as you will find yet another three-door corridor at the bathrooms, all the way at the back of the tavern.

Inside each room is a teleporter, which you activate by stepping on it and pressing down, and which will teleport you to the starting room of the Tower, but in a slightly different state than you were previously. This is the last puzzle of the game, and which door you enter will determine what ending you get, as you cannot leave the room once you've entered it except by the teleporter. THESE LAST FEW SPOILERS ARE FOR THE ACTUAL ENDINGS! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Beware! These spoilers are for the end of the game! All of them end with "roll credits!" Don't read if you want the joke to be new when you see it!

Enter the men's room to receive the Men's Room achievement. It is a latrine, with one hole occupied. Kill the guy on the john to reveal a teleporter. This will take you to the starting room of the Tower, naked and next to another adventurer who takes exception to your appearance. Roll credits.

Enter the women's room to receive the Ladies' Room achievement. It is a fancy bathroom. The teleporter is in the toilet, and makes you appear just to the left of the starting room... which means outside the tower at the top level. Roll credits.

The room with the star leads to the Dorks' Corner. Enter it to receive the Dorke Corner achievement. The teleporter is clearly labeled along with its instructions. Using it will land you in the Tower's starting room naked. Roll credits.


Hookay, so no loadey? Just the eyes blinking at you from the tower window? Well, that's fun, but not exactly a working game, I'd say...

Clear cache? Nope. Switch to IE? Nope. Switch to Chrome? Nope. Turn off ad blockers? Negative. Turn off pop-up blockers? Not that , either. Systematically click everywhere that isn't an ad link and press every key on the keyboard? Still nothing.

Wow. That's a great game those folks have got there.


I kind of liked it, but I quit at the fish-dodging section. The hitbox is way too big; I kept getting killed by fish which just barely grazed me, and the controls in that part are too fiddly to dodge without falling off the log. It wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't go on for what felt like ages.

Patreon Donator Infant Tyrone November 1, 2010 12:10 PM

Well I did enjoy it-- the definition of a casual game-- until I got to a level where I can't see a way out. It involves barrels, spiky ceilings, and the evil Mr. Burns-looking merchant and his stabby-stabby. I tried everything I could think of, but eventually I gave up and went to work.
Is there something obvious that I'm missing?


@Infant Tyrone

Duck to avoid the spiky ceilings

And potentially kill something with that spiky ceiling

asifandwhen November 1, 2010 12:21 PM

On the first of the bits with three trap doors and an hourglass, where you fall through the centre one to the room with lots of red-skinned guys, I keep glitching and falling through the floor. Is this happening to anyone else?

I've made it through to the end though; fun game!


I seem to have gotten stuck at the hungry cutlery-wielding imp. Did I need to bring along more than the fox-shaped Lunchable to get him to stop chasing me? Any ideas?


JIGuest (and others):

If you get stuck at the loading screen, click the "Enter" button in the right column. (It's sort of misleading since it's right above an ad, but trust me, it works.)

houiostesmoiras November 1, 2010 12:49 PM

Look to the right. The "enter" sign above the Newgrounds logo isn't to redirect you to Newgrounds; it's the button to enter the game. Also, just because the logo still says loading doesn't mean the game isn't ready.


Did you get turned into a snail? It's hard (but not impossible) to get through the fish section as a snail. However, you don't have to go through that stage as a snail...

The wizard can also turn you into a frog, which moves fast enough to dodge easily. If he turns you into a snail, just hit 'k' and try again.

Then falling off the log isn't such a big deal because you can sit mostly in the middle, and just dodge a little to either side if the fish jumps towards the middle.

Also, there's a little replay value, since you can have different endings:

After you leave the tower, go left a ways and you'll enter a tavern. At the back, there's three rooms. In each room is a teleporter that will take you back to the top of the tower in a slightly different situation, after which the credits roll. In each room, to use the teleporter, stand on top of it and press down.

On the left is a door marked with a star, the geeks' room. In here is a teleporter that is marked as such.

This teleporter sends you to the starting room naked.

In the middle is the ladies' room. The teleporter is in the toilet.

You'll get teleported, naked, just to the left of the starting room. Meaning, outside the tower, level with its top floor.

On the right is the men's room, which is a latrine. Kill the adventurer on the far right hole to reveal a teleporter.

This teleporter will send you, naked, back to the starting room, but there's another adventurer already there, ready to start his quest, who takes exception to you.


@neddo- There's a way to change things up so you can avoid those fish a little easier.

Die in the outer area, then go the wizard a second time, he'll turn you into something else.

Ashebrethafe November 1, 2010 1:28 PM

@HeroForge: As long as he's heading straight towards you, you have to run away from him, or be fast enough to reach the door before he does. If he cuts you off instead, you're at the same point as Infant Tyrone.


Looks like there might be more endings...

To the left of the 'manly doors' theres a pair of tiny ones, haven't figured this yet...

Anonymous November 1, 2010 2:03 PM

If you go through the

door with a star in the pub at the end of the game, the picture on the wall in the geek's corner is of our hero and has comments on it such as:

incredible hair, mesmerizing eyes, uber-shiny teeth, constitution of an athlete, bloodthirsty sword, shoes!, Fist!, muscles to fight narwhals, what a haircut!



I'm in the same boat as HeroForge I can't get past the thing that ate the fox. He keeps killing me and I can't even hit him.

houiostesmoiras November 1, 2010 3:01 PM

Complete walkthrough:

There's lots of ways to die, and a lot of the fun is in watching it happen, so I'm going to detail all of them. As the game starts, you teleport into an empty room with a hole in the floor. Drop through the hole to get started.

Here's your first set of three doors. In most of these situations, two will kill you and one will let you go on. Often there's a small clue as to which is the good door.

The right door has some picked-clean bones in front of it, which indicates it's a bad place. If you go here, the lights go out, and you're viciously attacked by monsters in the dark.

The middle door has blood leaking out below it and claw marks on it, so probably not a good place. You won't die instantly in this room, but if you step on the block right below the torch, the ceiling will crash down on you.

The right door has a smiley face. Sounds like the way to go!

The next room is just a corridor. Go to the door at the bottom.

Another three doors. Some more obvious than others.

The door on the far right has a monster peeking out of it. If you go in here, you'll be devoured offscreen.

The door on the left is unmarked. If you go in here and try to jump the gap, the floor will move away, revealing a spike pit too long to jump.

The middle door has a heart on it. Lovely!

Next you'll have another intermediate corridor, followed by three more doors.

The righthand door is unremarkable, and inside are some stairs. If you go down the stairs, the Hero remarks that this is a piece of cake. If you keep going down the stairs, you'll fall off the edge into a pit trap, earning the Piece of Cake achievement.

The lefthand door's outline is singed, which warns you of what lies behind it: barrels of explosives on an incredibly quick-burning fuse.

The middle door is the way to go!

After another empty corridor, another three doors. Here, all three doors look unremarkable; however...

The first door is another insta-kill: Cerberus lives here and since you're standing right by his food bowl, well...

The middle and right doors are connected, but there's a wall between them. In the middle is a switch, which will move a piece of floor from the middle room to the right room. This can be bad because there's a spike pit below the floor in both rooms. There's a gap too wide to jump in the right room, and a similar gap opens under your feet if you hit the switch in the middle room.

What you need to do is hit the switch in the middle room and immediately run left and jump when you're at the edge. This should get you back to the bit of solid ground. Then, you can go through the door and back to the right room, which now has a solid floor.

In the next corridor, you'll meet a creepy thing in blue robes. This creature will offer you different weapons and hats, and you'll meet it again later with a larger selection. The choice is mostly cosmetic: The weapons don't cause different amounts of damage from your sword, nor to the hats do anything to protect you. However, some do have a small effect later. This first time, he will offer you

An axe, a war hammer, and a wooden club for weapons; and a metal hat, a Robin Hood-style green hat, and a green hood for hats.

If you want to pimp yourself out, go ahead. If you're not sure, don't worry; you can always change your mind the next time you meet the creature. Now, on to the next set of three doors.

It's barely perceptible, but the right door is a bit smudged here and there. This door leads directly outside, but you're still pretty high up, so you fall to your death.

The middle door has a smiley face on it. This isn't necessarily good because the remaining door, rather than having some other sign of badness is unmarked. In here is a crying princess. If you walk forward a little, The Hero will remark that she could use some cheering up; you can still turn back at that point. If you go forward again, she'll be revealed to be a monster and eat you, earning you the Cheer Up Princess Pretty achievement, although since she keeps crying I don't think she's all that cheered up.

The left door is unmarked and leads to another blank corridor.

Before The Hero walks into the next three-door corridor, a scrawny guy checks the right door, decides not to use it, then enters the left door. Yes, this is a clue, but not the one you might think.

If you go in the left door, where the guy went, you'll find that he hung himself in here. There's nothing else there. This is an oblique clue: it's harder to hang yourself in a sweeping corridor, which means you should go into the right door, which he rejected.

The middle door is a closet with spikes on the door. If you enter, it will close on you, leaving you a blood smear leaking out the door.

Go in the right door to move on.

In the next corridor, you'll meet the equipment creature again. He's added to his inventory:

Weapons: a rapier and a mace

Hats: a pink princess cone hat and a fez

In the next room, instead of three doors, there's a timed trapdoor with three holes.

If you stand on the first hole, you'll fall into a spike pit.

If you manage to hustle over to the third hole before the trapdoors open, you'll land in the stewpot of a couple of giggling blue creatures.

The middle hole will drop you among some enemies, but you should be fine so long as you rush them with your weapon swinging. There's also another two below you, but they won't climb the stairs until you stand at the top of the stairs for them to see, so you can stand around as long as you want before you head down to kill them and move on. This might also be a good time to point out that you can hold down 's' to hit more quickly than by hitting it repeatedly, like the old fashioned NES turbo button.


Next you'll run into an old guy who's been stuck here a while. He'll ask to join you. When you get to the three-door corridor, The Hero tells him to go first, and you hit a number to send him through a door. You can send him through one door and then go through a different one, if you so choose.

If you send the old man into the left door, you won't hear anything from him afterwards. If you go through yourself, a dragon (or other giant scaly creature) will reach in through the (admittedly very pretty) window and grab The Hero.

If you send the old man into the middle dore, you won't hear anything from him afterwards. If you enter after sending him in, you'll see him splattered on the floor (though if you didn't send him into this room, there's no sign of anything wrong in this room except for a tiny bit of red on the ceiling). If you walk to the right in this room, the floor will shoot up, smashing you against the ceiling.

The old man will shout that he made the right choice if he goes through the right door. In here you will find the equipment creature again. If you sent the old man in ahead of you, his remains are splattered behind the creature. He has new stuff in stock.

Weapons: a katana, a pair of tongs with a hot coal

Hats: a beard. Wearing the beard unlocks the Old and Wise achievement.

This is another three-door corridor that requires a bit of interaction between the doors.

The left room has a switch. If you pull the switch, a weight falls on you.

The middle room has a floor switch that opens a secret panel in the right room. It activates when you step on it, but deactivates when you walk off.

The right room at first appears to have nothing in it but a weight on the floor. You can pick up the weight by pressing 's,' then carry it back to the middle room, where you can drop it on the floor switch, thus holding the secret panel open. Return to the right room to go through the secret panel.

The next room is another timed trapdoor.

The left trapdoor drops you into a wizard's laboratory. The wizard turns you into a broom as soon as you land.

The middle trapdoor drops you into a room with a big club-wielding monster. If you approach it, it will grab you and bite your head off.

What you need to do is hurry to reach the right trapdoor (just to be sure, I like to jump when I'm about at the middle of the middle trapdoor). You'll fall into a room with one enemy on the left and three on the right. Just rush at the left enemy, sword swinging, and then you can deal with the three on the right without someone stabbing at your backside.

Leave to the right to enter another blank corridor with the equipment creature. He has a few new items:

Weapons: a morningstar and a sledge hammer

hats: a jester's cap and an animal skull (some kind of predator)

The next corridor has some more interactivity again.

The left door has two enemies. Beyond them is a hall that is too small for The Hero to fit through.

In the righthand room, the walls will slide together to crush you. Been a while since we had a simple trap like that, hasn't it?

In the middle room is a wizard. He will turn you randomly into either a frog (unlocking the Frog achievement) or a snail (unlocking the Snail achievement. It's possible to get past the next part as a snail, but it's much harder, and a bit slower as well, so if he turns you into a snail, you might want to use 'k' to kill yourself and try again. As a snail or frog, you can exit this door because it is ajar, and get back into the left room through the mouse hole in the corridor, but don't forget to go in there as a human first because as a small creature you can't kill them and they can kill you!

This next part is a bit different from the rest of the castle. As a frog or snail, you can fit through the narrow hallway and either jump or crawl up the kink in the hall, which will lead you to a room with three grates rather than doors.

The left grate leads to a rat, who will claw you to death.

The right grate drops you in a latrine, which is almost immediately sat upon by a rather large red monster, which is not just a bad end, but possibly the worst one in the game!

The middle grate drops you onto a log floating through a river of green slime. It's the inevitable sewer level! The log will float down a river of slime, and fish will jump out at random intervals, trying to eat you.

The pattern of their jumping may as well be random, but there are essentially eight ways they will jump:

  1. a very short jump, which will miss the log entirely

  2. a short jump, which will just catch the log

  3. a medium jump, which will take the fish past the middle of the log

  4. a long jump, which will take the fish past the opposite end of the log

And each of these jumps from both the front and the back.

The easiest way to avoid the fish is to sit in the middle of the log, just dodging a little to the sides when they make a medium jump. If you try to sit at the edges, you might fall off the log while dodging. This is also much easier with the frog, as the snail moves too slowly to doge without a lot of luck, although it is possible to make it through this stage with the snail.

Eventually, you'll reach the end of the river of slime and jump off the log just before it sinks into the muck. In front of you will be a doorway marked with a fancy W.

The W door will lead you to a wizard's laboratory. (And my, what a nice picture of Princess Pretty he has!) Hop (if you're a frog) or crawl (if you're a snail) up the table and bookcase, and you'll fall into a flask of blue stuff, which will turn you back into a human. The wizard has his back to The Hero, and is too absorbed in his work to notice him, so you have to kill him to move on. (If you insta-kill yourself here, the wizard will be dead when you respawn, even if you didn't kill him!) Beyond the wizard are three open doorways, each labeled with the name of one of his pets.

Snowy is a big white bat mutant creature that will eat you.

Puffles is a big red bat mutant creature that will eat you.

Vizzerdrix is a cute little fox-like dog that will follow you around and earn you the achievement Cutiepie!

Once again, you meet the equipment creature. He comments that Vizzerdrix looks tasty and shows is carrying a couple more items.

Weapon: a petrified rat

Hat: a pair of glasses

This is your last chance to change equipment. And now back to the familiar three-door formula! All three of these doors technically lead to the same area, a set of balconies.

The righthand door leads to a balcony that will collapse as soon as you set foot on it. There's a key sitting on the railing at the far left. Only the very left bit is stable, and you will fall before you can walk at all.

The middle door leads to a balcony. You can jump right from here to grab the key from the righthand balcony, but be careful not to go too far or you'll fall just as surely as if you'd gone through the righthand door.

The left door leads to a wide balcony with another door off to the left. This door is locked, however, so you need to get the key from the far right. Vizzerdrix will follow you as you leap the gaps.

You're entering the endgame! The equipment creature is in this corridor, but he doesn't offer you anything. Instead,

he sheds his robes to reveal that he is a small winged demon, then kills and eats Vizzerdrix.

For the next few screens, the creature will be following you. You can't kill him, and he will kill you. On this screen, however, he remains safe. On the next screen is another set of three doors. The rightmost is just closing as you enter the corridor.

The lefthand door leads to a looping corridor. Whichever direction you go in, the creature will follow you in that direction, so he'll be waiting to kill you when you turn back. Or you can go through the door when you pass it again to reenter the initial corridor.

The righthand door leads to a purple monster's living room. The Hero doesn't notice the monster standing behind him, so the monster easily crushes him with a giant wooden mallet.

The middle door leads to a blank corridor. Hurry through here: the creature is still following you, and, while he's slow, he's also flying, which means he can go straight down instead of going back and forth to use the stairs.

Now you're in the library. Just for a change of pace, there's a giant pendulum swinging above your head, and the creature is coming at you from the other side of the room instead of behind you. If you cross the room, be careful to duck when the pendulum is at its nadir, lest it cut off your head.

The left door leads to one of the sillier traps of the game. If you head right, The Hero will grab a book from the bookshelf, which then falls on him.

The middle door leads to a mole librarian who will just recite the locations of subjects within the library until the creature comes up to stab The Hero.

The right door is a little tricky to get to without being killed by either the pendulum or the creature, but not too bad. Within, three mole librarians are building a house of cards, which The Hero accidentally knocks over. You must fight your way through them as they hurl literary deprecations and books, but they're really not any harder than the earlier enemies. It's more important to get past them before the creature catches up than to kill them, so don't worry if you accidentally push past one.

Yeah, another three-door corridor.

The left door leads to a hallway with barrels rolling towards you. They kill you if they hit you, but you can jump over them. For all the good that does you: When you get to the far right, a barrel too big to jump crushes you.

The middle door leads to a trap, but in this case that's a good thing. To the right, just outside the torchlight, is a floor switch that will drop a spiky ceiling on your head. However, it doesn't quite reach the floor, so if you duck quickly after stepping on the switch, you'll be fine, and the trap will deactivate after a few seconds, so you're not stuck underneath the spikes. Furthermore, if you wait to step on the switch until the creature is almost next to you, the spikes will impale it, ridding you of it forever, and avenging poor Vizzerdrix. Be careful not to step on the trap until the creature is in range, since you can't reactivate it again once it's been tripped.

The right door leads to another blank corridor. If you're still being followed by the creature, it will camp the exits (and suddenly it can move quickly between them!), so you're stuck in this room until you die, although at least it's not doing that annoying inexorable following thing here. Still, best kill it in the middle room first so that you can advance.

And you've reached the exit! Step in front of the doors and hit up once to open them, and again to exit, earning the Escape achievement. However, you're not quite done with the tower, nor the game!

Instead of going outside, head all the way to the left. Hit 's' in front of the torch to reveal a hidden room. Going inside the room unlocks the Manly Treasure achievement, and walking over the treasures will equip you with a golden breastplate, a crown, and a scepter.

Outside, head left. You will pass a gravestone indicating how many times you've died, then you'll find a tavern, where The Hero asks where he can find the bathroom. This is a hint, as you will find yet another three-door corridor at the bathrooms, all the way at the back of the tavern.

Inside each room is a teleporter, which you activate by stepping on it and pressing down, and which will teleport you to the starting room of the Tower, but in a slightly different state than you were previously. This is the last puzzle of the game, and which door you enter will determine what ending you get, as you cannot leave the room once you've entered it except by the teleporter. THESE LAST FEW SPOILERS ARE FOR THE ACTUAL ENDINGS! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Beware! These spoilers are for the end of the game! All of them end with "roll credits!" Don't read if you want the joke to be new when you see it!

Enter the men's room to receive the Men's Room achievement. It is a latrine, with one hole occupied. Kill the guy on the john to reveal a teleporter. This will take you to the starting room of the Tower, naked and next to another adventurer who takes exception to your appearance. Roll credits.

Enter the women's room to receive the Ladies' Room achievement. It is a fancy bathroom. The teleporter is in the toilet, and makes you appear just to the left of the starting room... which means outside the tower at the top level. Roll credits.

The room with the star leads to the Dorks' Corner. Enter it to receive the Dorke Corner achievement. The teleporter is clearly labeled along with its instructions. Using it will land you in the Tower's starting room naked. Roll credits.


I love being able to kill him "just because."

I'm such a pretty princess with my hat and rapier!

First trapdoor room:

Are the two on the left the same?

Favorite quotes:

"Slashy slashy!"
I just stood for a while and hit the guy impaled on the fishhook. Is it possible to die in that room?

"I'm too handsome to diiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee..."

"Hey, slow down there, handsome! We just met."

"Wow, a ton of food!"

"Ooh, I didn't know they had a darkroom."


Voice acting=win.
Character design=win.


Another question:
The log raft - is there any way to go back? To the three doors (combat, wizard, and the one I want to check out)?

Anonymous November 1, 2010 3:34 PM

I found a bug i didn't encounter playing this game on another site. when:

the wizard tried to turn me into a snail, i backed out of the door immediately. i still had human form, but snail abilities. i clicked on the little mouse hole and i turned into a snail to go through, however i was able to kill the demons as a human. then my top half walked through the wall and up and over the bump like a snail and i got stuck with a rat. it wouldn't kill me and i couldn't leave.


Slashy slashy!


You can actually get alot of gold by...

Walking past the exit until you reach a torch, and then hitting the torch.


Zero deaths, every ending, with gold. Boo. Yah.

PS: Does anyone know what the plaque at the end says? It's in German, I can't be bothered to look it up myself.




The set of doors with the crying princess:
The middle has a "smiley" on the door itself, but the other has ;) on the floor. (hey, it looks like a winking smile...)



And another thing: the guy didn't hang himself. The main character points this out. "Well, this guy looks 'hooked' up."
Hanging kills two ways: breaking the neck or suffocation. The guy is not suspended by the neck (actually in the upper back) and there is blood dripping down him and on the floor.

fuzzyface November 1, 2010 7:47 PM

Andrew: it says (translated quite freely): "who wants to party a lot, has to work a lot".


Can't get it to work. All I get is a white box. :( Sadness...

[Please be patient and allow the game to begin loading. You will see a white box for several moments. If you're still having trouble, try updating your Flash Player and disable any browser extensions. -Jay]

houiostesmoiras November 2, 2010 1:33 AM

You're right, I didn't notice the winking face on the floor. Anyone who's interested, that's

the door where you step out into open air. It also occurs to me that the slight smudging looks like someone tried to grab on when they fell, scraping their fingernails at the edge.

For the guy on the hook, I played the first time through with the sound off, so I didn't hear that line; I didn't bother with his door when writing the walkthrough because I thought I remembered what happened! Since I'm not registered, I can't edit a post, though maybe an admin should edit the walkthrough?

I still think that the clue is supposed to be that he killed himself on purpose, though, since you can't kill yourself in that room except via the 'k' key insta-kill.


There is a way to beat the guy with fork and knife, lure him into the spike room, and bring him right before the trigger (blood onm the ground) and duck when you hit it, he'll die and you'll avoid death


Absolutely hilarious. I love this game, I laughed too much :P


Very grateful for the walkthrough, thank you.
I found an easier way through the level with balconies:

Doubtful of my jumping skills, I pressed "S" to see if I could pick the key up. The key disappeared, but when I went through the third door, the door was opened, so I had picked up the key.


Something I noticed: If you send the old man through door number three and follow him in, the guy with the hats and weapons will have a new beard for you, and there's a bone and small pile of clothes by his feet. If you send the man through a different door and go through door number three, these things aren't there. XD


When You are at the exit from the tower go left and You will find secret room with treasure. ;)

Uwe Martini November 5, 2010 6:14 AM

Walkthrough. Use door:
2 (then 3) -> creepy guy appears
3 -> creepy guy appears
2 (this trap door will lead you to devilish monsters. fight them from the furthest range possible) -> old guy wants to join you
send the old guy into door 3, follow him -> creepy guy appears
3 (take the weight using s) bring it on the button in door 2, go back to door 3
3 -> creepy guy appears
2 (use the button on the right, move as fast as you can to the left and jump over the gap; go in door three afterwards.
2 (the wizard can cast you into a snail and into a frog. use "k" as long as he makes you become a frog)
3 -> creepy guy appears
2 (take the key from the balcony on the right, jump to the door on the left side afterwards) -> creepy guy appears
2 (run to the left letting the creepy guy follow you, duck as soon as the trap falls down -> creepy guy gets killed), move in door 3 afterwards
on the left site there is a treasure to be found, use the big door afterwards
moving to the left will bring you to a pub, door 3 will lead you to the men's toilet, kill the viking and jump on his toilet seat)

-> game's done


Nice game. Until they killed it. The first threat to the game's quality was

The fish game. Almost wrecked it, but not quite.

The real clincher was the

Sales-thing revealing his true form & trying to kill you, which only made the swinging-blade thing harder to do.

Meh. This gets a 3, for starting off strong, then making the whole lovely game go kaboom. asploded. gone. :)


Do the weapons do anything?


I find it funny that i got caveman trapdoor while watching a caveman in a cage.


Guys, I'm stuck at one of the 3 doors areas. The door on the right has a room with an iron block, the door on the right has a lever which when activated drops a huge block on top of you, and the door in the middle has nothing. What do I do?


@Kekataag: the middle room isn't empty, try walking around


I got a beard as one of my hats right after the fez--something about being old and wise. But I can't figure out why I got it.

jcfclark April 16, 2013 6:05 PM

Somehow, I missed this game the first time 'round. So happy you resurrected it!


I've heard of a secret room a "reference" you might say the name of the room is "the fus ro dah room" I have yet to find it. any help would be useful


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