if (count($args) && ($ctx->stash('objects')))
$ctx->__stash['objects'] = null;
$counter = 0;
$lastn = $args['show_n'];
$obj_type = $args['type'];
if ($obj_type == 'trackback') { $obj_type = 'ping'; }
$ctx->stash('_entries_lastn', $lastn);
} else {
$lastn = $ctx->stash('_entries_lastn');
$counter = $ctx->stash('_entries_counter');
$objects = $ctx->stash('objects');
if (!isset($objects)) {
$args['blog_id'] = $ctx->stash('blog_id');
$_fp = 'ajaxrating_votesummary_';
$table = 'mt_ajaxrating_votesummary';
if ($args['hot']) {
$_fp = 'ajaxrating_hotobject_';
$table = 'mt_ajaxrating_hotobject';
// Choose a field
$pop_sort_by = $_fp . 'total_score';
$pop_obj_type = $_fp . 'obj_type';
if (strtolower($args['sort_by']) == 'votes') { $pop_sort_by = $_fp . 'vote_count'; }
elseif (strtolower($args['sort_by']) == 'average') { $pop_sort_by = $_fp . 'avg_score'; }
// Choose Sort Direction
$pop_direction = 'DESC'; $pop_wall = "$pop_sort_by > 0 AND $pop_obj_type = '$obj_type'";
if (strtolower($args['sort_order']) == 'ascend') { $pop_direction = 'ASC'; $pop_wall = "$pop_sort_by < 0 AND $pop_obj_type = '$obj_type'"; }
if ($args['blogs'] != 'all') { $pop_wall .= " AND {$_fp}blog_id = '{$args['blog_id']}'"; }
$objects = array();
$object_args = array();
$pop_entries = $ctx->mt->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $pop_wall ORDER BY $pop_sort_by $pop_direction", ARRAY_A);
foreach($pop_entries as $pop_entry) {
$eid = $pop_entry[$_fp . 'obj_id'];
$object_args['id'] = $eid;
if ($obj_type == 'entry') {
$e = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_entry($eid);
} else {
if ($obj_type == 'ping') {
list($e) = $ctx->mt->db->load('tbping',$object_args);
} else {
list($e) = $ctx->mt->db->load($obj_type,$object_args);
# $v = $ctx->mt->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM mt_ajaxrating_vote WHERE ajaxrating_vote_obj_id=$eid", ARRAY_A);
$e['total_score'] = $pop_entry[$_fp . 'total_score'];
$e['avg_score'] = $pop_entry[$_fp . 'avg_score'];
$e['vote_count'] = $pop_entry[$_fp . 'vote_count'];
# $e['votes'] = $v;
$objects[] = $e;
$ctx->stash('pop_entries', true);
$ctx->stash('objects', $objects);
if (($lastn > count($objects)) || ($lastn == -1)) {
$lastn = count($objects);
$ctx->stash('_entries_lastn', $lastn);
if ($lastn ? ($counter < $lastn) : ($counter < count($objects))) {
$object = $objects[$counter];
$obj_type = $ctx->stash('obj_type');
if ($counter > 0) {
$last_entry_created_on = $objects[$counter-1][$obj_type . '_created_on'];
} else {
$last_entry_created_on = '';
if ($counter < count($objects)-1) {
$next_entry_created_on = $objects[$counter+1][$obj_type . '_created_on'];
} else {
$next_entry_created_on = '';
$ctx->stash('DateHeader', !(substr($object[$obj_type . '_created_on'], 0, 8) == substr($last_entry_created_on, 0, 8)));
$ctx->stash('DateFooter', (substr($object[$obj_type . '_created_on'], 0, 8) != substr($next_entry_created_on, 0, 8)));
$ctx->stash($obj_type, $object);
$ctx->stash('obj_type', $obj_type);
$ctx->stash('current_timestamp', $object[$obj_type . '_created_on']);
$ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end', null);
$ctx->stash('modification_timestamp', $object[$obj_type . '_modified_on']);
$ctx->stash('_entries_counter', $counter + 1);
$repeat = true;
} else {
$repeat = false;
return $content;
The requested page could not be found.
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